Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Questions for Active Reading #4

Page 233

In paragraphs 17, and 26-28 you can clearly tell that Sanders is building this wall as if his father would, or tought him to do. Each concept is clearly defined because he is explaing all the right ways to finish the walls as his father once tought him to do. At the end of the essay Snaders feels the need to describe so clearly each step in the process because it reminds him of his late father, and how he always finished his job with every line square and true. Sanders uses chronological order by listing the proper steps in building this wall in order. He describes each step in building the wall which connects the different periods of time that it takes to do each step. A "dawn stone" is what Anthropologists consider a name for those unworked rocks thats served as the earliest hammers. To Sanders it represents what his ancestors used them for grinding corn, tapping awls and smashing bones.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Journal Entry #4

"Inventing the University"

When Bartholomae says that the students must "Invent the University", he means that the students must learn to speak the language, speak as they do, also to think, know, select, evaluate, and report as they do. Basically learn the various discourses of their community. Bartholomae suggests a way for students to become "insiders" within an academic discourse is by being both inside an established and powerful discourse, and being granted a special right to speak. There are several differences between the two writings. One is very elegant, and the other needs alot of work with grammar. Bartholomae also explains how one writing is more creative than the other, and he explains how the other writing could be more creative.

Questoins for Active Reading #3

Page 108

The 6 myths of Creativity can be described as ways to be motivated, succeed in and manage your time in the business corporation. Teresa Amabile, the Harvard Business School professor who studies creativity in the workplace designed her research by doing research on managers and graduates' journal entries and not telling them that she was focusing on creativity. Then she coded the emails for creativity by looking for the times when they struggled or came up with a new idea. What is especially surprising and interesting about her approach to research is how she did not let the participants know what she was looking for. The audience that Mr. Bill Breen was looking for in writing this article was other professors who plan on doing research on other people, using Ms. Teresa as an example.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Questions for Active Reading #2

Page 73

The experience that changed Smiley's beliefs about chores was when she discovered work at a stable. She described this working experience during the middle of the essay. The impact on me as a reader would have impacted me in a different way if she would have described this experience at the end of the essay because I would have took her as a person who did no hard work all her life. The evidence that Smiley gives to support her argument is her old child memories. I do not consider these reasons to be authoritive because its just going by her words. There is no real evidence besides her word. I believe that she intended to make the audience young children to try to motivate them to do chores without their parents asking them. She also uses rhetorical questions to make the audience think about how your family would appreciate you and be proud of you. My reaction to these questions are that the questions do make me think to do chores without being answered. The questions make you want to do good without being asked.

Questions for Active Reading #1

Page 13

The purpose that I think Powell had in mind while writing was racism is wrong. He tries to achieve racism by letting it give him more motivation. For example when he talked about the time he was at a resturant and the waiter said, " Look I'm from New Jersey, I don't understand this but they will not let me serve you. Why don't you go behind the resturant, and I'll pass you a hamburger out the back window." He explained how that experience made him snap, and how this was new to him. I believe that the audience that he had in mindwhile writing was young children of all races. I believe that Powell is a very strong man, who sticks up for himself. He does not do wrong, but he will not take wrong from others. My attitude towards him is that I have the upmost respect for him. I do have more respect for him now that I saw that he stood up for what is right, instead of him being a class clown.

Page 19

The purpose that I believe Goldberg had in mind while writing was talking about, or using a student who had really good writing topics in her class as an example. The audience that I think she had in mind while writing was other student that she was trying to motivate to have better writing habits. Her subject is the student with the best writing habits. Her attitude toward the student is very nice because she admirers her.

Journal Entry #2

Caring Makes Us Human & Follow the Laughter

The essays that I like the most from the thisibelieve.org website were Caring Makes Us Human and Follow the Laughter. I found them both compelling because they talked about love and care, and also joy and happieness. The type of story that Caring Makes Us Human uses to showcase their belief is a story about an inmate who found a cat and he felt as if the cat brung more happiness n joy to the prison because with the inmates caring for the beat down cat, it gave the inmates a chance to practice kindness instead of recieving it. The type of story that Follow the Laughter uses to showcase their belief is a story of laughter and happiness that brings togetherness. She talked about her ex-husband and how they used to laugh and be happy, then how the happiness dimmered and they got divorced. The tone of Caring makes Us Human is serious. While the tone of Follow the Laughter is reflective. The essays are simular because they both are reflective, meaning that they both look back and see differences from the past. The essays differ because they both have different tones. One essay is serious and the other is all the way reflective. They both do follow the guidelines by the This I Believe Organization. The beliefs that I might want to write about for project one is probaly humor and laughter.

Journal Entry #1

In reflecting on one of my past assignments I realized that the situation that made me want to respond in writing was that I was mad at my girlfriend, and that I had some stuff to say in writing that I could not say in person. I chose to respond in writing because it was easier for me to tell her everything that I wanted to tell her, and I had time to think about what I was saying and not sound ignorant. The type of genre that I used was Contemporary Life and Problems. I used this genre to let her know that she was not the only one with problems. My girlfriend was my audience and the type of relationship that I was trying to establish with her was romance, and problem solving. My purpose agian was to let her know that she was not the only one with problems. And yes I do feel as if I accomplished this purpose. The type of context and culture that I used in writing her this letter was "new age slang". Thinking about my writing as responding to a “rhetorical situation” is different from the other ways I think about the writing I did because it is easier to reflect and answer questions about something that you have written.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In The News #4

Splenda Study

Splenda can be good and at the same time be bad for the people who use it. Studies say that Splenda contributes to increases in body weight, although studies have also shown that there is a such thing as "good bacteria". Splenda is used in more than 4,000 food and drink products and is included in recipes at numerous chain restaurants.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In The News #3

Teenage Cancer Testing

Getting testing for Cancer is a personal choice. There is a cure for breast cancer, and it is worth alot of money and only found in certain states. I believe that if your relatives have the genes of Breast Cancer, that you as their child should be tested as early as possible. Young females should also be tested for ovarian cancer as well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the News #1

I think that now that Michael Phelps has won the Olympic Gold Medal, people are becoming jealous. Now there is talk about how Mr. Phelps cheated and so on, using a special swim suit that would make him faster. What about the hard training that this man has done? What about his dedication and love for his sport? People are so jealous these days that all they could think about is how they "could have" won. Michael Phelps has won seven Olympic Gold Medals in the past. How could you question an Olympic Gold Medalist after his eighth Gold Medal win? Michael Phelps is one of the world's top athletes, and has been for the past seven years.