Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Questions for Active Reading #4

Page 233

In paragraphs 17, and 26-28 you can clearly tell that Sanders is building this wall as if his father would, or tought him to do. Each concept is clearly defined because he is explaing all the right ways to finish the walls as his father once tought him to do. At the end of the essay Snaders feels the need to describe so clearly each step in the process because it reminds him of his late father, and how he always finished his job with every line square and true. Sanders uses chronological order by listing the proper steps in building this wall in order. He describes each step in building the wall which connects the different periods of time that it takes to do each step. A "dawn stone" is what Anthropologists consider a name for those unworked rocks thats served as the earliest hammers. To Sanders it represents what his ancestors used them for grinding corn, tapping awls and smashing bones.

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